Let's get naked

The game that breaks the ice.

Before you start

  • Talk about your boundaries with everyone before playing.
  • Know that your boundaries can change at any time.
  • Communicate. Consent is key to comfort & comfort is key to fun.
  • Don't put pressure on yourself or anyone else.

Enter player details below:

What's the player's name?

Use their real name to avoid confusion.

How many articles of clothing need to be removed?

Current Players

How to play

You'll play a total of 8 rounds.
Each round has 1 turn for each player.

On your turn you'll be given a task.
Fail the task, you will be given a strike.
Complete the task, you'll give that strike to another player.

If the strike lands on a shirt,
remove a piece of clothing.


Set Partners

Choose who each player is comfortable "partnering" with.

* Includes touching and kissing

is up.

    is up.

    Did complete the task successfully?

    Assign a strike



      Round 1

      Turn 1